
When it comes to topdressing your lawn, there always seems to be some confusion (and controversy!) about what is best to use – and why and when you should do it.
Even the most manicured lawns can become patchy over time. The solution? Overseeding!
So, you have just settled into your brand new home and as you go to make use of your garden, you are greeted with a mud pit instead!
The secret to creating a beautiful lawn is thorough preparation. As they say, fail to prepare – prepare to fail! To create the best-looking lawn, you should allow yourself plenty of time to prepare the ground and follow our guides so that you achieve the best possible results.
The best grass seed for overseeding your lawn is the one that has been created with your lawn’s needs at the top of the list. Overseeding is a good opportunity to regain that lush lawn, repairing any patchy or tired-looking grass that may have emerged from any tough love your garden has been ...
Whether you are a lawn care connoisseur or a bewildered beginner, you may have heard about aeration and are wondering if it is needed to maintain green and healthier grass. So, should it be a regular part of your lawn regime? Let’s find out!
Most lawns will experience shade in some shape or form due to surrounding fences, furniture, trees or hedges. This can be frustrating when you are trying to maintain a consistently green and thick lawn, as patches begin to appear and can be hard to repair in certain areas.
Navigating your way through the world of wildflowers is exciting, and they offer a colourful way to brighten up your garden, but which ones should you sow? To help you along your journey, we have come up with a guide to help you get to know our punchy mixes and decide which is the perfect fit ...
Wildflowers are relatively easy to grow. So much so that they even thrive in poor soil conditions. We find it interesting that such a beautiful collection of flowers doesn’t really require much help to bloom! In this post, we look at a few easy steps to get wildflowers growing in your garden.
Nothing is more rewarding than planting some new grass seed in your garden and seeing deep green grass blooming from the soil a few weeks later. However, there are a few things to consider to make your grass grow, get your new lawn off to a good start, and ensure you avoid any hiccups along the way.
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