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How to get rid of moss in your lawn

Of all the things that can crop up on our lawns, moss is one of the most common. Unless the growing conditions in your garden are perfect, moss will likely make an appearance on your lawn at some stage. That’s why we’ve created this blog on how to get rid of moss on your lawn through lawn care maintenance and using moss killer to get your garden looking stunning again!

how to get rid of moss in your garden lawn

Tips for how do I get rid of moss in my lawn?

However beautiful moss may be when found on the forest floor, the small flowerless plants are less attractive when growing in the wrong places – like seeing moss on a lawn! But fear not; we’re here to tell you how to get rid of moss in your lawn and provide some tips on how to limit its growth again the following year.

Mosses are very shallow-rooted plants, so luckily, immediate removal is pretty easy. Our simple 3-step process below will help kill and remove dead moss on your lawn.

Step 1 – Killing the moss with moss killer

Some lawns may suffer worse than others when it comes to moss. If you are lucky enough to only have a small area of moss, a targeted moss killer should be enough to treat this. But, if your lawn is suffering from a lot of moss, try using our 3 IN 1 Lawn Rescue to help tackle the problem.

Step 2 - Remove dead moss

After using a lawn feed weed and moss killer, you will notice your moss turning darker; this means it has died, and you can begin removing it. Using a rake, you can remove the dead moss and clear it from the surface of your lawn.

Step 3 - Reseed bare patches

After removing dead moss from your lawn, you will likely have a few bare patches. If you have used our 3 IN 1 Lawn Rescue moss killerthis begins to feed your grass. If not, you can start to overseed those dead patches with fresh grass seed, and after six weeks, your lawn feed weed and moss killer will have done its job feeding your grass, but you could consider applying lawn food again in the weeks that follow to keep your grass growing as best it can.

How do I prevent moss from growing in my garden?

Like most lawn weeds and diseases, they thrive in unfavourable conditions. Damp and shaded areas on your lawn will create a perfect hub for moss to grow in. So, to help prevent it from appearing again, you need to find a way to improve damp areas and help those shady spots! For example, aerating your lawn will help it breathe, and trimming hedges and trees will help your grass get more sunlight to dry it out a bit.

Does aerating a lawn help with moss?

Your first move to combat the invasion of moss on your lawn should be to aerate it! Lawn aeration improves lawn drainage and will help you reduce the moisture across your lawn and reduce the chances of moss developing. Moss loves moisture, so removing the moisture doesn’t give moss what it needs to grow! Aerating your lawn will create air pockets across your soil that will help moisture drain away from your soil surface and down into the root system of your grass. Spike holes into the soil using a garden fork and give your fork a wiggle. This will help to open those air pockets and get the moisture flowing instead of sitting on your lawn’s surface.

Let the sun shine!

Moss is a shade-loving plant, so if you find that you are struggling against a carpet of moss, look up! We might not be able to control the weather and how often the sun shines (sigh), but there are some ways we can make sure the sun is getting onto our lawns when it does pop its head from the clouds.

If you have any trees, bushes or shrubbery that block the light, give them a trim to help reduce the shade across your lawn. If there is little to no grass in shaded spots in your garden, moss will likely begin to grow. So try using a lawn seed like our Shade Supreme Lawn, created to thrive in shady spots of your lawn. This will help your grass grow and should help keep the moss at bay.

To help you through the process of removing moss, you can follow our how-to guide on how to remove weeds and moss, and we have listed a few more helpful guides below for further reading:

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