
Knowing how to mow a lawn correctly, how low to cut it, and how often you should do it may not seem overly important. But we can assure you that your lawn will look better, be healthier and grow thicker if you follow our mowing advice.
Having a dog usually means making some compromises – like having fur on the sofa, muddy paws on the floor and chewed up trainers just to have their wonderful company. And if you have a dog and a lawn, you’ll know that the compromises don’t stop there, and dog pee patches will be a familiar ...
Maintaining an amazing lawn as a dog owner may seem like an unachievable dream, but there are many ways to ‘dog-proof’ your lawn to ensure lush green grass and of course, a very happy doggo!
For some folk, the lawn is the epicentre of all family activity – and for others, the sole centre of all your attention! If you enjoy the pleasure of a supremely green, weed and moss free striped lawn then look no further. Whether you have one already and want to maintain it, or decided to ...
Feeding your lawn prior to sowing can help set up the best foundation for your new seedlings growth, but what one should you use?
Even the most manicured lawns can become patchy over time. The solution? Overseeding!
So, you have just settled into your brand new home and as you go to make use of your garden, you are greeted with a mud pit instead!
Does your lawn have a shady reputation? Well you are not alone! Unsurprisingly, most lawns in the UK will suffer from some level of shade. This often means that your grass will struggle to grow and shop-bought mixes just won’t do the trick!
The best grass seed for overseeding your lawn is the one that has been created with your lawn’s needs at the top of the list. Overseeding is a good opportunity to regain that lush lawn, repairing any patchy or tired-looking grass that may have emerged from any tough love your garden has been ...
Most lawns will experience shade in some shape or form due to surrounding fences, furniture, trees or hedges. This can be frustrating when you are trying to maintain a consistently green and thick lawn, as patches begin to appear and can be hard to repair in certain areas.
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