
Did you know that you should approach mowing your lawn differently depending on the season and how old your lawn is? How and when you choose to start mowing your lawn can make a massive difference to the look and health of your grass.
Wear and tear is a natural occurrence in any lawn that gets a lot of use, causing patchy grass or creating bald spots in your lawn.
If you’re a dog owner, the chances are that you have experienced a few bare and burnt patches on your lawn from time to time.
The best time to sow wildflower seeds is in autumn and spring. Sowing in autumn will bring spring blooms and sowing in spring will bring late summer blooms.
If you have recently sown wildflowers, we bet you can’t wait to see them burst into bloom and bring some vibrant colour to your garden! But how long does it take wildflowers to grow, and just when will you see that flourish of flowers finally appear?
Once spring arrives, many of us will be thinking about pulling the lawn mower out after winter and getting ready for the first mow of the year. But knowing when to cut your grass in the UK for the first time in spring and what other prep work to do will help your garden thrive in warmer weather.
Hedgehogs are cute little creatures, and even though we don’t often see them, they are on the move every night, exploring and foraging in our gardens for food. Below, we share some helpful tips for creating a hedgehog friendly garden to give one of the UK’s most-loved nocturnal adventurers ...
The sweet smell of pollen lingers in the air, flowers are in bloom, and one of the planet’s hardest-working insects is very busy. What are we talking about? Bees, of course!
Ah leatherjackets in your lawn, the lawn-lovers arch enemy. These pesky pests will make their way into your lawn almost without you noticing – until random yellow dead patches appear in your lawn!
As our lawns emerge from winter, they can look a little worse for wear, and with summer just around the corner there’s no doubt you’ll want to make your neighbours green with envy! But how do you get a green lawn, and fast?
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