
If you are a grass fanatic like us and know your lawn inside out, it will become very obvious when some of your usually green grass turns to pink and red instead!
A frozen lawn can be a common occurrence during the winter months, but there are a few things you can do to ensure that there is no lasting damage caused to your grass.
While typical gardening jobs might be out of the question in January, there are a number of jobs you can do in your garden to help you prepare for Spring.
During winter, your lawn can take a bit of a battering. Heavy rainfall, cool winds, snow, and frost all have a part to play in your winter lawn troubles.
Whilst you may not be using your lawn as much in autumn, there are still plenty of small jobs to be done to keep it looking its best. In this blog, we share our top tips for autumn lawn care, to ensure your grass is ready for winter!
As the nights begin to draw in and your grass growth slows down, you may be wondering when it’s time to give your lawn its last mow of the season.
All lawns are vulnerable to disease and despite lots of care, some are simply out of our control! The most common diseases you are likely to come across in your lawn are Red Thread and Damping Off throughout the year at various times, and Snow Mould in the winter.
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