Shade Supreme Lawn

  • Shaded Area Grass Seed
  • Grows in shade and light
  • Helps turn shaded spots lush again
  • Hardwearing and perfect for family life

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Product Description carrat-down

Where other grass seed fails, our shade mix reigns supreme for sorting out the shaded areas in your garden! This grass seed mix is designed to deal with light shade caused by trees that can create patchiness, or slightly heavier shade that prevents the full growth of grass. Our Shade Supreme Lawn contains grass seeds that simply love a spot in the shade, so you can sit back and relax in the sun!

Mixture Breakdown

Perennial Ryegrass
Chewings Fescue
Smooth Stalked Meadow Grass
Sheeps Fescue / Hard Fescue
Strong Creeping Red Fescue
After Image
Before Image

More Information carrat-down

Sowing rate (New Lawn) 50g per m2
Sowing rate (Overseeding Existing Lawn) 35g per m2
Recommended mowing height 20 - 40mm

Use our guide to find the correct setting for your lawn seed spreader.

Product Questions carrat-down

Product Questions

What seed varieties make up the 'Shade Supreme Lawn'?
Question by: Allan Patriarca on 10 Aug 2021, 14:24
Hi Allan Patriarca,

Thank you for your question. Shade Supreme Lawn is made up of a special blend of shade tolerant grass species such as fescue and meadow grass.

I hope this helps, if you have any other questions please do not hesitate to ask here or email us at
Answer by: Alex Customer Care on 10 Aug 2021, 15:07
My garden has a border of tall trees. We have a dog and grandchildren. Which of your grass seed will be best to overspeed my lawn as it has now got brown dead patches and we have been told it is lack of light
Question by: Sue on 20 Sept 2021, 21:55
Hi Sue,

Our Shade Supreme Lawn would be best for this. This mix is designed to deal with light shade caused by trees that can create patchiness, or slightly heavier shade that prevents the full growth of grass. It is also hardwearing so will do well with your dog and grandchildren.

If you have any other questions please do not hesitate to ask me

Answer by: Alex Customer Care on 21 Sept 2021, 09:34
my grass only gets some shade throughout the day, will i still use this
Question by: Mark Smith on 1 Apr 2022, 13:15
Hi Mark, thanks for your question. We would recommend still using our Shade Supreme Lawn Seed. This lawn seed is good for dappled shade and full shade coverage on your lawn. If you have any other questions, please email us on
Alex, Customer Care
Answer by: Alex Customer Care on 1 Apr 2022, 13:41
Can i still apply this in december?
Question by: Shane Taylor on 1 Apr 2022, 13:18
Hi Shane,

Thanks for your question. We recommend applying this before December so that your lawn is protected when the really cold weather comes in. The ideal time to apply this lawn food is between September and November.

I hope this has helped - if you have any other questions we can help on please email

Many Thanks,
Answer by: Alex Customer Care on 1 Apr 2022, 13:52
Hi, I have a shaded lawn where the soil has a lot of clay, what's the best seed. The seed mixes you offer seem to address either one of these conditions but not both.
Question by: Kieran on 8 Jul 2022, 10:22
Hi Kieran, thank you for your question.

For clay soils, I would recommend our New Build Dream Lawn. It contains the best blend of grass seeds that are equipped to grow amazingly in clay conditions that are typical of new build houses, but can also be an issue in older builds. If your lawn is wet and boggy in the winter and dry and cracked in the summer, then this mix is the solution for you.

If your lawn is very shady, you could sow a blended mix of New Build Dream Lawn, with our Shade Supreme Lawn mix. Where other grass seed fails, our shade mix reigns supreme for sorting out the shaded areas in your garden. This mix is designed to deal with light shade caused by trees that can create patchiness, or slightly heavier shade that prevents the full growth of grass.
Answer by: Alex Customer Care on 8 Jul 2022, 10:40
I have a mature oak on the north side of my lawn and two young dogs who have created a muddy path through patchy grass. What is the best seed to overseed.. lawn is apex 12m2
Question by: Dave Rumsby on 12 Mar 2023, 17:46
Hi, thank you for your question. If the majority of the lawn is affected by shade then I would recommend overseeding the area with the Shade Supreme Lawn. This mix is designed to deal with light shade caused by trees that can create patchiness, or slightly heavier shade that prevents the full growth of grass.
Answer by: Alex Customer Care on 13 Mar 2023, 11:10
Only a small part of my garden is in the shade, can I use this mix in other parts that aren't in the shade?
Question by: Sharon on 28 Jun 2023, 11:10
Thank you for your question.

Yes, whilst this mix is designed to establish in areas with limited access to sunlight, it will perform equally as good in areas with ample access to sunlight.
Answer by: Alex Customer Care on 28 Jun 2023, 13:22
Just moved into my house and the lawn had lots of weed and moss. We have just removed most of the weed/moss and now it looks quite bare. We also have a lot of stones and pebbles, whilst the soil looks quite dry and in clumps. We want to till the soil sieve to remove the stones and mix with garden mulch, before planting grass. Would this be a good step to getting a beautiful grass lawn.
Question by: Chris on 4 Sept 2023, 10:07
Thank you for your question.

Preparation is key when it comes to sowing a new lawn or repairing an existing lawn. Everything you plan to do is perfect and ensuring you have a fine seedbed is key to an even coverage. Our seeds will germinate without the mulch, but it does have its benefits should you wish to add it.
Answer by: Alex Customer Care on 4 Sept 2023, 10:57
Lawn was reseeded with Shade Supreme exactly 5 weeks ago and has germinated very nicely. Sown onto and covered with very good quality top dressing. Lawn area was pre-treated as directed prior to seeding. Can I use the Winter Remedy now as I have good covering of fine new grass showing approx. 30mm height? New seeded areas look really good and will probably need some seed topping up in the spring next year.
Question by: Adam on 18 Nov 2023, 13:59
Hi Adam, thank you for your question.

We would recommend waiting until the lawn is fully established and ready for its first mow - this is usually around 6-8 weeks after sowing. When it is ready for the first cut, cut on the highest setting and then apply the fertiliser.
Answer by: Alex Customer Care on 20 Nov 2023, 08:59

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